Saturday, November 23, 2013

Calendar for the last 3 1/2 Weeks of Fall Semester

#1 - You have 9 class days before this assignment is due. Paintings #2 and #3 must be completed to the level of a Painting I student according to the rubric I am including in the STUFF links, on Wed. Dec 11 at the end of class. Dec 12 and 13, will be some quick painting practice – fruit, ornaments, etc. seasonal and small – 4X6 or so – more on these later.

#2 - Your final exam for this semester will be to write your Artist Statement - I've posted the entire assignment (found a new cool GADGET called pages - it's in the upper right corner above the blog lists - it's called STUFF). I'll also give you a printed copy. I will post websites where you can read other artist's statements and you can read mine also. The Artist Statement can be quite a journey into why we do what we do! It will be due on Dec. 17 at the beginning of class. We will listen to each other pour out our souls in class - not really, but let's be brave and read a few!

#3 - I'm not sure exactly what the exam schedule is, but if it's like last year, 1, 2 and 3 will be Wed. Dec 18. 

If your grade, grades and attendance allow you to be exempt from this class, all of your stuff  - the papers, supplies you’ve borrowed, containers, paints(except the 6 container or the little plastic ones with lids, brushes, tables, tall horizontal file in back, and your drawer must be cleaned out, trashed, repacked, neatened up or whatever. Also your drawer key must be checked into the box. You need to have this done before you leave school on Dec.17 (not during this class), in order to be exempt.  

I will check you off the list because it will be a grade!!

#4 The rubric (grading sheet) for the National Geographic paintings is in STUFF also - you need one for each Natl Geo painting - these need to be printed out and when you grade yourself, turn it in so I can grade it.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

FOUR (4) Posts/Photos of your Project Are Due This Week!!!

    The following blog work will be 100% of your Daily Participation grade and all blog work must be posted by end of your class on Friday (if your class doesn't meet on Friday for some reason, you still have to have your updating finished by 11AM on Friday).
    Expectations for Participation Grade:
    1. Daily photo of your project and description of your progress – posted to your personal blog - phone app is easiest and fastest, or you can email the photo to yourself or you can use your laptop to take photos.  ***TAG or LABEL your posts from the my label list and/or your own list***
    2. Weekly comments on at least 2 of your classmates’ personal blogs. Add a quick post telling me which blogs you posted on so I can find them quickly.
    3. At least 1 weekly addition of an artist webpage – in your area of study - in your Link List.
    4. ** LABEL your posts from the my label list and/or your own list*** My List – high school art, art assignments, sculpture, photography, etc – your section.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Monday, Nov 18 - start Painting #2!!

Painting #1 is LATE, and if you aren't finished, you are in tutorials!!
Start painting #2 Monday - do the color strip FIRST and post it by Tuesday at the beginning of class.
You start your actual painting on Tuesday Nov 19, and you need to be done by Tuesday Dec 3.